My Favorite Tattoo Quotes of All Time

Tattoo Quotes are becoming more and more popular. Having a tattoo that features an inspirational phrase or words that hold special meaning can make that tattoo very personal. Here are my favorite tTattoo Quotes 998attoo quotes.
There are many inspirational phrases to choose from when selecting one for a tattoo. But many do not work. A tattoo quote is unique in that it must be short yet still be able to convey a meaningful message. The reason is that the locations where tattoos are usually placed on people do not offer much room.
So given that tattoo words are short there are fewer quotations and uplifting messages to select from. However, if a person is careful and does their due diligence you can find just the right saying for the body art.
Here are a few I find to be very meaningful.
“Wake Your Dream”
Everyone has a dream, if not they should have one. Having a dream gives us something to work towards, something to hope for and provides purpose in what we do. Some people ignore their dream thinking it is not possible to achieve. That can be the worst thing to do. Everyone should pursue their dream.Tattoo Quotes 990
“Live Laugh Love”
What better words to live by than live, laugh and love. Life is precious and meant to be enjoyed. Life is also far too short to waste. Sure there are risks if you chose to live and approach the world with your lighter side by laughing, but it makes the journey much more memorable and rich. If you look for and embrace love and all that comes with it and you look for reasons to be happy and laugh then you are truly living life.
“For Ever Young”
This is another inspirational tattoo quote that I find very uplifting. Even as we age we can still think young. It is true the body may start to slow down as a person gets older, but that is no reason to give in to aging. Some may say that life is wasted on the youth. But I say that is only of you let it. You are truly only as old as you let yourself. This tattoo saying reminds us to stay active and think young and enjoy life-no matter what is thrown our way.
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If you are considering having tattoo quotes instead of a picture for your body art, be sure to think the decision through carefully. The words you have written on your body will be there the rest of your life. Consider carefully where the placement will be located. You want to make sure the decision you make will be one you are still happy with years into the future.
If you really are dying to get a tattoo that is rich, full of meaning and super cool looking then you probably should consider a life quote tattoo. It might sound strange at first since tattoos are such a visual medium and a very artistic endeavor. However, more and more people these days are getting written, word and quote tattoo designs then ever before. if you have been thinking about a life quote tattoo but not sure how to go about it then this article will help you tremendously.
Benefits of A Life Quote Tattoo
A lot of people might not see tyhe benefits of a quote tattoo at first glance. However, when you look deeper at the idea it become really appealing. No more getting some tattoo design that symbolizes something you did not intend. No more paying a huge extra fee to have the design done for you and no more long hours and multiple visits to your tattoo shop. You can save a huge amount of time, money and headache by getting a quote and written tattoo while still ending up with a design that is very unique, original and best of all can be placed in so many different locations on your body the possibilities are endless.
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Where To Find Life Quote Tattoos
No this is the only hard part of the process. That is how do you go about finding the rigbht tattoo and the right quote or saying for your final design. I have seen it numerous times people post on Yahoo answers and other social sites and ask what should I get tattooed. However, this honestly is not a good way to go about getting a tattoo design if you want something you will truly love for the rest of your life. Doing it the internet social network way will lead to a few years down the road wanting to get your tattoo removed.
So instead spend some time and search for your idea saying. If you do not already have a saying you want you can look in your local library, online and everywhere for quotes. Often it is super easy to find hundreds of quotes sites quickly on line. You can even just type in something like quotes on life and you will quickly get an alphabetized list of quotes. You can easily pick from these and find ones that rign true for you. Once you find a few take some time to sleep on your ideas. Even write your quote out in permanent marker to give it a spin on your flesh. Look and think hard and if you still want to get it inked on your body go for it.
One of the best things about quote tattoos is they can be put just about anywhere on your body. They are very flexible and small in design so there are a lot of possibilities. Typically women love to get these on their foot, ankle, wrist, and back of the neck. Men tend to go for the forearm, back, side rib cage area and even the calf. Wherever you decide the cool thing is the tattoo will look great. one last thing to consider if the font you want to use. It really depends on your quote and what you are trying to communicate but the font is like the icing on the cake and it should be chosen carefully because it will really drive home the saying part of the tattoo in a visual way. So you really want to match the over all font design and layout and even location on your body with the type of quote and the message you are after.
In the end the most important thing is to take your time. Don;t rush the process of a great tattoo. Instead think about it, look around and find all that is out there. Consider your options and truly search around to find something you love. Then do the same thing in finding a great tattoo artist that will work with you well. Once you have done those things the rest should be a walk in the park.

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